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Large Character Printers

Micro Marker Large Character Series 700 & 1500
Micro Marker Large Character Series 700N & 1500N
Lion Marker II Large Character Non-Porous Ink Jet Printer

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Detailed drawing of Micro Marker Large Character Series 700 & 1500.

by Inkjet Plus…

A cost effective, high performance, ink jet system for marking on any surface

Micro Marker 1500N

Print Sample
Micro Marker 1500N

Print Sample

98 Messages 45 characters long
Battery backed memory and clock (10-Yr. life span)
Julian date
Web and single shot modes
65 printable characters
125 FPM print speeds
5 Standard fonts:
5 X 5 Single, 5 X 5 Double
7 X 5 Single, 7 X 5 Double
15 X 12 Double (Only available on 1500 model)
Crystal controlled for fixed speed printing
4 Line by 16 character display
5 by 8 membrane keypad
Encoder input available if required
External photocell input available if required
Internal ink filter
Simple, easy to use menu driven program
Tough, light weight design

Print Head
Industry standard replaceable valve technology.
Micro Marker™ 700 Single line
Micro Marker™ 1500 Dual line
Network models can operate up to 31 print heads from one
single terminal
Uses porous inks
Custom print heights available

Print Heights

Micro Marker™ 700 5 X 5 - ½" (12.70mm) Single line
7 X 5 - ¾" (19.05mm) Single line
Micro Marker™ 1500 5 X 5 - ½" (12.70mm) Dual line
7 X 5 - ¾" (19.05mm) Dual line
15 X 12 - 1 5/8" (41.28mm) Single line

Power Supply
110 V / 120 V or 220 VAC

Inkjet Plus…
7 Custead Court
Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada. M9C 0B4
Telephone (416) 237 1999
Fax (416) 237 9197
Web site

Providing solutions for all your ink jet coding and markings needs

  Key features
  • Prints at product speeds of up to 200 FPM.
  • Automatic time and date codes
  • Stores up to 98 messages.
  • Each message can be up to 45 characters
  • Network models can operate up to 31 print heads from one single terminal.
  • Up to five standard fonts.
  • Custom print heights available.
  • Simple and easy to use

™Micro Marker, IJP Dot Marker and Lion Marker are trade names of Inkjet Plus. Products from Inkjet Plus contain patented technology

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